Unit sizes:
Can be:
- px size e.g. 1px
- em size - which is the default size of the browser times
by the number (1.2em = 1.2*16)
- percentage size - 100% of the parent
- in/cm/mm - Measurement units equal to size of real life -
can be used when determining size for printer.
Element selectors:
CSS - p { color: blue;}
Selects the element specified in selector
HTML - <p> Hero <p>
CSS - .copyright {
color: blue;}
Selects classes named "copyright"
HTML - <p class="copyright">copyright from
CSS - #wrap { color:blue;}
Selects ID "wrap" - only one ID per HTML document
HTML - <div id="wrap"> </div>
CSS - * {color: blue;}
Selects every element
CSS - img[src="image.png"] {border-color: red;}
**Check** Selects the item in the brackets - these can be
just [src] or the whole value [src="image.png"]
HTML - <img src="image.png">
CSS - li > p {color:blue;}
Selects the second element only if it is a direct child of
the first.
HTML - <li><p>hero</p></li>
CSS - li p {color:blue;}
Selects right handed element when a child of left - but
doesn't have to be a direct child - value travels down the hierarchy
HTML - <li><div><p>hero</p></div></li>
CSS - h2 + p + div {color:blue;}
Selects attributes with these descriptors on the same level
of hierarchy (for example, if they were all within the same div)
HTML - <h2> cat </h2><p>mouse</p><div></div>
CSS - a:hover {color:blue;}
Applies the value to the A attribute but only when it is
"hovered" (or similarly described action is activated)
HTML <a href="hotmail.com>meow</a>
CSS - p:first-letter {color:blue;}
Targets the first letter of every <p> element
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