Saturday 10 March 2012

Analysing ImagineFx

Looking at Navigation and Layout

The ImagineFx website has the logo clearly in the top left corner, with a clear navigation bar just below with a search bar located on this same line. There is a login box in upper most, right corner. Directly below these features is an advertisement, taking up the majority of the line with a tiny imaginefx link squished next to it.

Under these the page is divided into three, unequal parts. The very left hand side shows an image of the current issue and a self-explanatory links directing you to the buying page. Just below is a list of quick-links providing links to the main features of the site. Below that are large, distracting links to social media sites, youtube pages and a link to signing up for their newsletters, all a similar size and shape.

The center column exhibits the hero image of the day - an important image that immediately gives you an impression of the magazine's content. Below is a featured artists tab with several small thumbnail images (giving you a taste of each artists' specialties). Below this is another advertisement and an imaginefx subscription offer. At the bottom of the column, there are four square tabs exhibiting enticing examples of the main website's services - interviews, workshops, reviews and fxpose.

The right column shows the imaginefx rss feed, with a scroll down option to read more. Below this is a forum tab, displaying the latest forum feeds.

And stuck on the side of the webpage, another ad.

The bottom clearly displays some of the site contact information.


Colour consists of white text on gold blocks, or black text on white and light grey blocks. Both allow for clear readability, and are used throughout the site.


Typography wise, there is no clear placement on the more important features of the website (besides the header). Text within/on images competes with the images, and clutters up the page. Headings on tabs are lost when placed on top of two toned backgrounds, and the links on the main navigation bar at the top are poorly kerned. The quick links on the left hand side aren't read as separately functioning links at first glance, although they are very useful by providing just a bit more information


Throughout the website the design is consistent, with color, type and similar layouts used throughout. The content is generally well framed, and minimal scrolling is used.


The layout is cluttered, with emphasis being placed on pieces like (imaginefx daily and forum), when people come on the website to look at images, workshops and tutorials primarily. The page itself being always to the left leaves an awkward amount of white when viewed at full size, and the advertisement sticking out to the right looks awkward. Also some imaginefx ads blend in when positioned awkwardly next to 3rd party ads.

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